There are certain steps you should take to remain a "former intern in good standing" and stay connected with your colleagues.
"As your internship comes to end — or even if you’re already gone — it’s your duty to personally thank everyone you worked with during that period. Recognition is important, even if you didn’t thoroughly enjoy the working experience.
Verbal thank yous aren’t enough, either. Go with the handwritten thank you note. For each person you write, provide specifics about what you appreciated. Maybe they showed you the ropes on a new project or made your lunch break more bearable by sharing a table with you. Whatever it is, avoid a canned response."
Smart words from Mosley. Thank you notes are HUGE. Not only do they express your gratitude for the experience but they also serve as a reminder of who you are to the people you worked with while you were interning.
Again: Those thank you notes are important in more ways than one.
I also like Mosley's suggestions about keeping in touch and being honest about your experience.
Don't follow up with a former intern supervisor when you need a referral. Drop an email or tweet every so often just to say hello.
Internship of the Week
ESPN is looking for a Statistics and Information Intern for Fall 2014. Note that ESPN is posting this position in the Spring. You should remember this: start looking for an internship a season or two in advance of the actual time frame in which you hope to do the internship.
Professional Thank You Cards
Here is small collection of Thank You cards. Any of these are perfect to serve as your professional thank you notes.