Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Awesome Hotel Options in Austin

Fresh from a much-needed quickie getaway in Austin, I'm completely smitten.  The W Hotel in Austin, which opened in December 2010, offers one of the most unique, cozy and downright fun atmospheres I've seen in a Texas hotel in while. Located in the Second Street District and right next to the world-famous Austin City Limits music venue, it's a good option if you're staying downtown. ...
Monday, January 14, 2013

Motivation Monday: The Best Way to Ensure You'll Hit the Gym Consistently

Two weeks into the new year, how are those 2013 resolutions going? Mine?  Eh.  I'm still not getting up consistently at 7am on workdays.  It's a challenge.  But I am consistently hitting the gym and exercising.  I've said it time and again, that's the one thing I won't sacrifice.  I don't go to a therapist.  I exercise. I've been a gym goer for more than 20 years...
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Best Fitness Apps & Gadgets for 2013 From the CES & More

With all sorts of wonderful fitness-related products debuting at the Consumer Electronic Show this week in Las Vegas, the marriage of technology with health and fitness is a relevant one.  I'm kind of digging the iBitz fitness tracker for kids. I blogged about the "Cell Phone Diet" last year which basically advocates using your smartphone to  motivate you to lose weight by using inspirational...
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rock Your 2013 Resolution: Preparing for Those Unexpected Snack Attacks

Tuesday, I had a weak moment at work.  I visited the vending machine.  Twice.  Once for Baked Cheetoh's and again for some weird, fake Butterfinger Wafer bar.  I don't know what it was, I guess I was craving fake, orange food.   My moment of weakness Not only did that fly in the face of my New Year's resolution to avoid visiting the vending machine, it went against...
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Great Quickie Workout When You're Pressed for Time

I hear ya.  I feel ya.  I sympathize with ya.  But not having any time to exercise is not an excuse. Wednesday night I was able to cram in a quick 20 minute workout after I got home from work around 7:40pm (which is early for me).  Jordan was crawling all over me and even doing jumping jacks with me.  It was kind of fun. Here is the actual workout: 10 squats 10 pushups 10...

A Healthful, Easy Weekday Breakfast

How can you not love an egg white?  Really.  It has all sorts of nutritional goodness including slimming and satisfying protein for hardly any calories.  Huge nutritional bang for the buck. Tuesday, I shared one of my other go-to breakfasts that is quick, easy to make and hearty enough to keep you satiated for a while.  Today it's all about the incredible, edible egg white. Before...
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Quick, Easy Oatmeal Recipe That Keeps You Going All Day

It's so easy to overlook breakfast or grab some delicious yet calorie-killing scone from Starbucks or a big, fat (literally) bowl of cereal.  Don't! Anyone who knows a thing a two about weight loss or weight loss maintenance extols the virtues of a good, healthy breakfast.  There are a slew of studies that support this. One of my favorite breakfasts is this oatmeal recipe which...