Monday, December 23, 2013

The Biggest Diet News of 2013

I feel like diet news is nothing new.  We all know what we need to do, right? Eat real food: fruits, veggies, nuts, fish Avoid the fake stuff loaded with sugar, white flour and processed crap  Move more   We know all this.  To paraphrase Nike: we just don't do it. I'm right there with ya.  The season of holiday indulgence has left me with little extra muffin...
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why I'm a Working Mom Who Is NOT Guilty

Having gone through a wonderful professional transformation recently, I have had too many conversations to recount as to what my career change means for the time I spend with my daughter. In short, now that I am working for myself, I have more control over my time.  My days and nights are not ruled by breaking news and sports schedules.  Unlike before, I am able to enjoy nights, holidays...
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

People Your Age Are on Instagram?!?!? Yes, We Are.

"People your age are on Instagram?!?!?!" asked the 13-year in front of me. "How old do you think I am?" I asked a bit too aggressively, fighting my reporter's urge to raise me voice another decibel. "I'm just kidding," I awkwardly said trying to soften the exchange. She couldn't imagine someone my age (ugh) taking selfies.  I would argue that my approach to Instagram goes beyond the selfie...
Monday, December 2, 2013

Take the Pain Out of Home Juicing with This Easy Trick

Before juice bars became the 2013 version of the cupcake and yogurt shop boom, I was quite the home juicer. From kale blends and green lemonade to pineapple mint juice and a grape lemon medley, I could have opened my own juice bar with all the mixing I was doing. Green Lemonade Why did I stop doing it so religiously?  For one, the ubiquity of juice bars and offerings from Whole Foods made...