Truthfully speaking, we're all on "diets". Webster defines the word "diet" as "the food or drink regularly consumed". See. We're all on diets.
The thing is you can consume a healthful diet or a crappy one. Why not go healthy? It's much easier to take your medicine in the form of great food that is full of nutrients than it is to take expensive medicine in the form of pills in effort to treat some obesity-related illness.
Remember: it's easier to prevent disease than it is to treat it. Think about that.
Okay, on to the fun stuff. What is on the nutritional experts radar this year? Today's Dietitian surveyed more than 500 registered dietitians to find out and determined the 14 top diet trends for 2014. Ancient grains like quinoa that will continue to be cool. Woo-hoo.
Quinoa salad |
- The no-wheat movement: consumers will continue to nix the wheat and adopt Paleo (the most Googled diet of 2013, btw), gluten-free or "wheat belly" diets in 2014.
- Add kale, coconut or chia seeds: throw it them in a smoothie. You know we love this.
- Low fat no more: thank God. Dietitians think that the "low fat diet" will be the least discussed in 2014. Low carb remains strong. For the record, I got fat eating low fat.
- Fruits and veggies are the way to go: did we really need dietitians to tell us this? You know my thoughts on the thing. Go Mediterranean or go home.
So, really, the "top diet trends" of 2014 aren't all that new. It's still basic, common sense advice that our grandmothers gave us: eat your fruits and vegetables, hold off on the sugar, don't eat too much and get outside to play.
Sounds like a good plan if you ask me!
Have a wonderful 2014! Make it your best year yet.
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