This one was the challenge. Days 1 & 2 were routine workdays and presented no social challenges. Day 3 was a bugger not from a hunger or craving standpoint but from a "let's deal with reality" perspective. I had a big, bad (actually fun) event Thursday evening. Dilemma: do I continue with the cleanse or do I break it?
The day itself went wonderfully. I exercised, doing an hour of a killer pilates class, a 40-minute walk with the dog and 15 minutes of jumping rope. A lack of energy was never a factor for me on the Blueprint Cleanse.
I continued throughout the day on the juice cycle, downing them as needed, waiting about and an hour and a half to two hours between juices. Then came decision time.
It was 6pm and I was drinking my last green juice of the cleanse. I had gone 72 hours without food, essentially the recommended time for a full "Blueprint Cleanse". I left for the event, which was a party honoring former Texas governor Bill Clements and his wife, Rita, for their contributions to the University of Texas system. It was an assembly of some of the state's most interesting and educational, philanthropic and political minds.
Long story short, when the salad course came, I ate it. I broke the cleanse. I really felt fine about doing it. That night I ate salad, fish, a bite of some yucky, generic chocolate flourless cake and a glass of wine. I didn't feel badly or gross, I felt great.
Friday came and I still felt great. I actually froze my cashew milk, the final juice of the cleanse, and drank it on Friday. I juiced the entire day until dinner, which was an evening out with friends.
All told, the Blueprint Cleanse was a success for me. The pre-cleanse puffiness I had was gone. My stomach was as flat as it has been since bathing suit season. I felt amazing. I worked out every day while on it and, although hungry, I never lacked energy. I thought it was a good, easy effective way to cleanse and jumpstart some water weight loss. It was quite pricey, in my opinion. Maybe it's a twice-a-year undertaking. It inspired me to get back to juicing on my own. For ease of use and an absolute idiot-proof way of getting introduced to juice fasting, it's excellent.
After a weekend of roadtrip indulgences and an excellent Super Bowl party, I'm ready for another juice fast. The interesting thing is - 2 of my girlfriends have gone Blueprint crazy. They signed up to do it, too. I think it would be fun to do it together with a group of folks. That way we can be social and drink our juices together in wine glasses! (a girl can wish).
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